داستان آبیدیک

compression ignition engine


1 مکانیک:: موتور اشتعال-تراکمی

In the compression-ignition engine (and in fuel-injected stratified-charge engines), most of the fuel burns in a turbulent diffusion flame as fuel and air mix together. In compression-ignition engines, the distribution of heat flux and temperature varies greatly with the size of cylinder and form of the combustion chamber. : "Instantaneous Heat Transfer Rates to the Cylinder Head Surface of a Small Compression-Ignition Engine," Proc. During combustion which starts with the spark discharge in spark-ignition engines and with spontaneous ignition of the developing fuel-air jets in compression-ignition engines, the actual processes to be modeled become much more complex. In compression-ignition engines, multiple-zone models of the developing fuel-air jets have been used to provide more detailed predictions of the combustion process and nonuniform cylinder composition and state.

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